Location Magic - Here comes the bus!Maybe you should ask your kids where they would like to be photographed.
That is if they are old enough to understand what you're asking. My son loves the bus and everything buses. He was due for a session with Mom. So I asked him where he would like to go. He wanted to go to the bus yard of course. So while you might be thinking beautiful garden or sweeping vista, this may not excite your kids at all. If they can be engaged in the choice, shazam! Magic happens. He was never so into a photo session. Take a look.
We rattled off a few dozen great portraits in just 15 minutes. He was engaged, took direction well but most importantly understood why we were there. That is where age is a big factor. If he was only say 3 years old, he would have just wanted to climb and play all over the buses and not have anything to do with the camera. But at 6, he knew exactly what we were doing there and really wanted to see the results and have one to hang in his room. I also asked the bus company for permission before I started shooting. That is key and needs to be asked before the day of your scheduled session.
These are also edited with film emulsion/toner presets and actions because I swoon over vintage looks. It really enhanced the color of the bus and the color of his shirt which I selected to really stand out from the color of the bus! More on what to wear another day.
Of course funny boy was goofing off too!
There are many ideas for locations everywhere. Your local fire company. Tractors on the farm. At the stable where they ride horses. Maybe the home stadium where they play their favorite sport like Lacrosse or soccer.
I can't wait to order a large print for my bus boy to hang in his room. And can't wait for your ideas!
Thanks for reading!
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Love these shots!!!
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